3. Configuration
3-6 February 2003 8335-A2-GB20-70
For the Model 8385, the following Spectrum Management screen appears.
To enter Spectrum Management screen information:
1. Position the cursor in the field you wish to modify. Type the value you want and
press Enter.
For . . . Enter . . .
Region Setting
(Model 8385 only)
The unique regional SHDSL operational parameters as
defined in ITU G.991.2 that are to be used for this card
(Default = Annex A).
Annex A – The operational parameters for North
America will be used.
Annex B – The operational parameters for Europe will be
Spectrum Management Enable/Disable to limit the DSL speeds on each port
(based on line length) to meet either ANSI T1.417 or BT
Access Network Spectrum standard requirements. The
selection allows for an acceptable level of crosstalk from
multiple technologies in the loop plant as defined by
these standards (Default = Enable for Model 8385.
Default = Disable for Model 8355 cards.).
Enable – Enables Spectrum Management support.
Disable – Disables Spectrum Management support.