Modu-Fire® Gas-Fired Boiler
This boiler should not be installed with an automatic damper on the flue. Damper failure could create an explosion hazard.
In Canada, the boiler is certified for installation with a “Power Venter” by the Canadian Gas Association when installed with the “listed accessories.” Consult your local distributor for information on proper selec- tion.
The venting system and the horizontal portions of the venting system shall be supported to prevent sagging.
Consult your local vent supplier for correct vent sizing and structural support requirements. Vent diameter is dictated by the length and height of horizontal and ver- tical portions of the vent installation and the materials of construction. It is not necessarily the same size as the boiler connection. Correct sizing should be based on High fire input at a nominal
3.6.1 Vent Elbows
Pitch toward boiler 1/4" per foot minimum.
6' min.
Boot Tee /135º
Trap Loop 3" min.
Condensate Line
To sewer trap or condensate drain.
The first turn from horizontal to vertical should be made with a 135° boot tee. A tee cover with a conden- sate drain shall be provided at the bottom of the boot
tee. The condensate drain must be routed to a sewer drain trap or pump in accordance with local codes. Refer to diagram under Vent Elbows.
3.6.2 Barometric Damper
This boiler is certified for operation without a baro- metric damper.
3.6.3 Automatic Vent Damper
This equipment, as manufactured, MUST NOT be used with an automatic vent damper.
3.6.4 Flue Connection
The connection from the boiler to the vent should be as direct as possible and the upward slope of any hori- zontal breaching should be at least 1/4 inch per linear foot. This boiler should not be connected into any por- tion of a mechanical draft system operating under positive pressure. Provisions must be made for sup- ports to prevent contact of the vent with combustible surfaces.
Note: Make sure that the weight of the vent is not supported by the boiler vent collar. The collar is not designed to support the weight of the vent. Structural support and spacing from combustible surfaces must be in accordance with the vent manufacturer's re- quirements.
3.6.5 Vent Termination
The minimum vent height above the flue outlet must be five (5) feet and the vent should extend at least three (3) feet above the roof / snowline, or at least two
(2)feet above the highest part of any structure within ten (10) feet of the vent.