1-4 Introduction
Char. Control Hex Dec Control Action
XON ^Q 0x11 17 Transmitter On
Signals that the device is ready to receive
data (can be sent by the printer or host).
AUXON ^R 0x12 18 Printer on
Signals to the host that the printer is
online. It is sent after initial power up,
clearing a supply jam, or a supply reload.
XOFF ^S 0x13 19 Printer rec eiver is off
Signals to the host that the print buffer is
full or an error has occurred.
Signals to the printer that the host’s
transmitter is off.
NORM ^T 0x14 20 Switches to 57-column print mode.
AUXOFF ^U 0x15 21 Printer is off
Signals to the host that the printer is out
of supply or has powered down.
CANCEL ^X 0x18 24 Cancel and reset printer
Resets the print buffer places the printer
in initial power-up mode with the default
ESC ^[ 0x1B 27 Escape
Indicates that the following characters are
part of a printer control language
EXTEND ^\ 0x1C 28 Extended print
Prints characters double high.
^] 0x1D 29 Extended print off/Normal print
Prints characters at the normal height.