Using the Magnetic Card Reader 4-3
Syntax 2 hex
2 hex (Ctrl-B) Requests the status of the print buffer and card
The printer responds with:
#pb# The number of characters currently in the print
buffer, shown as four hex digits, which are “OR’d”
with 30 hex.
#sleep# Four ASCII hex digits (which are “OR’d” with 30
hex) representing the time left before the printer
enters sleep mode.
CR-LF-NAK Indicates the end of a response from the printer.
Example ESC C
Cancels the reading process.
Error Messages The following data is returned when an error occurs with the magnetic card
reader. When an error occurs, the reader’s LED blinks once.
Indicates an error occurred.
% and + Start of track characters.
E Indicates an error occurred.
#error#,(text) Error number and corresponding text.
05 Timeout Expired.
07 Invalid Track Number.
08 Unsupported Track selected.
09 Cancel Request.
CR-LF Carriage return and line feed.
Set the value for the timer long enough to allow the swipe, but short enough not
to allow multiple swipes. If multiple swipes are done (with different cards) and
each uses different tracks to store data, the data sent back to the host is a
mixture from the two cards.