2-2 Configuring the Printer
Setting the Power Mode The printer can operate in five different power modes, each using a different
number of printhead sections, which are groups of dots on the printhead. The
mode selected also affects the print speed (the more printhead sections used,
the faster the printer speed and vice versa).
Syntax ESC-<cmdpm>-<powmode>
ESC Starts the command language.
<cmdpm> Power mode command. Enter P.
<powmode> Power mode. The number of printhead sections to
use, specified in hex. Options:
1 Low - Use one printhead section, less than
1.0 Amp.
2 Medium - Use two printhead sections, less
than 2.0 Amps.
3 High - Use three printhead sections, less
than 3.0 Amps.
6 Very high - Use six printhead sections, less
than 9.0 Amps.
7 Auto Control - Dynamically choose the
number of printhead sections to use (1, 2,
3, or 6), depending on what is printed
Example ESC P2
Uses two printhead sections, which is less than 2.0 Amps.
Checking the Battery Voltage The following commands/control characters check the battery’s voltage and
request statuses.
Syntax ESC-‘cmdvolt’
ESC Starts the command language.
‘cmdvolt’ Battery voltage command. Options:
P^ Prints the battery voltage.
P! Requests the battery voltage from the
Example ESC P^
Prints the battery voltage.