3-4 Creating and Printing Formats
ESC Starts the command language.
<cmdb> Bold command. Enter U.
<bold> Enables or disables bold printing. Options:
0 Turn off bold printing.
1 Turn on bold printing.
Example ESC 1D hex
ESC k1
This example uses the International (ANSI) character set, prints characters at
the normal height, uses the Large Normal font, and disables bold printing.
Using Underline Characters
You can specify underlining for text on your format.
Syntax ESC-<cmdu>-<uline>-‘data’
ESC Starts the command language.
<cmdu> Underline command. Enter F.
<uline> Sets underline mode. Options:
w Turns on underline for all characters
following this command. Underline is used
until an ESC Fh command is received or
until the end of the current line.
h Turns off underline for all for all characters
following this command. No underline is
used until an ESC Fw command is
received or until the end of the current line.
‘data’ Enter the data to print in your format. Must be
enclosed within single quotation marks.
Example ESC Fw ‘12345’ ESC Fh ‘78910’ ESC Fw ‘3345’ CR
Turns on underline for characters 12345 and turns off underline for characters
78910. The printer prints: