Configuring the Printer 2-7
Example ESC P(
The printer responds with:
ESC ( Response from the firmware version request.
#version# Four ASCII characters representing the firmware
CR-LF-NAK Indicates the end of a response from the printer.
Example ESC P)
The printer responds with:
ESC ) Response from the hardware version request.
#version# An ASCII character representing the hardware
CR-LF-NAK Indicates the end of a response from the printer.
Printer/Device Communications
Following are the printer’s communication values. The defaults are listed in
Baud Rate – 2400, 9600, 19200, or 38.4K
Stop Bits1 or 2
ParityNone, Odd, or Even
Data Bits – 7 or 8
Flow Control – RTS/CTS (hardware) or XON/XOFF (software)
The printer and host cannot communicate unless they use the same
communication values. Additional communication specifications:
Word Length –10 or 11 bits Start Bit – 1 Signal Levels – RS232C
Mark or Logical 1 – -3 to -15VDC Space or Logical 0 – +3 to +15VDC
Auto Power Up – Positive signal on RTS input turns printer on.