before, the non active channels will be further attenuated. The elegance of this approach is really apparent in this next case. Assume a person is stationed exactly equidistant from two microphones. The identical signal arriving at both channels, being coherent, will sum linearly to +6 dB in the sum of all channels. This results in the two channels being turned down 6 dB. Being coherent, these two identical signals summed at
These gain relationships hold true no matter how many microphones are active and whether or not signals are coherent. Since all computations are done in the Log domain, it doesn't matter what the actual ampli- tudes are, only the relative amplitudes between signals.
Front Panel:
| LED |
1 | 2 | 3 |
Manual Mode: In the manual mode the Channel Level controls provide 6 dB of gain above nominal unity and 50 dB of attenuation.
Auto Mode: In auto mode the controls still provide 50 dB of attenuation, but the control does not add gain to the overall system level. Instead, when the level is adjusted above 0, the other channels are attenuated to make the channel sound louder in the mix without adding to the system gain.
The “Master Level” controls the overall output level. The range is set for 10 dB of gain above and 40 dB of attenuation below, nominal unity.
Note: The operating range of this control is reduced by the setting of the internal gain trim.
Depress the switch to the "on" position. The red LED will illuminate indicating power is being supplied to the unit.