C634M-D (12/04) 43
28. Select SQL Server Agent from the Services drop-down box.
29. Click Start/Continue. Stop is enabled and the status is Running after several seconds.
30. Select SQL Server from the Services drop-down box.
31. Exit the window.
Figure 50. Replace Database Dialog Box
32. Click OK. The following dialog box appears.
Figure 51. Restore Confirmation Dialog Box
33. Click OK to restore from the selected backup file. The following dialog box appears.
Figure 52. Operation Completed Dialog Box
34. Click OK and restart the recorder.
35. Close all recorder applications.
36. Go to C:\AvServer\Config, and then double-click Maintenance. The following dialog box appears.
Figure 53. Maintenance Dialog Box
37. Enter the name of the desired recorder. The default is the local recorder name.
38. Click Find. The utility counts the number of files on the disk that do not have corresponding records in the database and
the number of records in the database that do not have corresponding files.