62 Pelco Manual C672M (2/01)
COMMANDS AND RESPONSES CHARTThe chart uses the following conventions:
*An asterisk indicates a character or digit (for example, *** indicates three characters or
#1 This means input the code according to the DELIMITER<RECEIVE> setting (CR
[0DH] or CR [0DH] + LF [0AH]).
#2 This means the code according to the DELIMITER<SEND> setting (CR [0DH] or CR
[0DH] + LF [0AH]) will be input.
No. Commands Functions Status After Normal Explanation of Status
1PW#1 Power ON/OFF RC#2EX#2 Command received and
carried out
2PW0#1 Power OFF Same as above Same as above
3PW1#1 Power ON Same as above Same as above
4EJ#1 Eject Same as above Same as above
5SP#1 Stop Same as above Same as above
6PB#1 Playback Same as above Same as above
7RP#1 Reverse playback Same as above Same as above
8FF#1 Fast forward Same as above Same as above
9RW#1 Rewind Same as above Same as above
10 RC#1 Recording Same as above Same as above
11 CM#1 Counter memory stop Same as above Same as above
12 PU#1 Pause ON/OFF Same as above Same as above
13 PU0#1 Pause OFF Same as above Same as above
14 PU1#1 Pause ON Same as above Same as above
15 FA#1 Frame advance (when still) Same as above Same as above
16 RA#1 Reverse frame advance (when still) Same as above Same as above
17 LK#1 Lock OFF Same as above Same as above
18 LK0#1 Lock ON Same as above Same as above
19 LK1#1 Lock All ON Same as above Same as above
20 SF#1 Skip search (forward) Same as above Same as above
21 SR#1 Skip search (reverse) Same as above Same as above
22 IF***#1 Index search (forward) up to Same as above Same as above
23 IR***#1 Index search (reverse) up to Same as above Same as above
24 IN#1 Inquiry about current index no. RC#2D***#2 Index no. is ***=001-255
(during index search)
25 TR#1 Timer recording ON/OFF RC#2EX#2 Command received and
carried out
26 TR0#1 Timer recording OFF Same as above Same as above
27 TR1#1 Timer recording ON Same as above Same as above
28 TP#1 Inquiry about current executing RC#2TN*#2 Timer program no. is *=1-8
timer program no. (NOTE: ER08 when not timer
(Continued on next page)