Pressure Testing, cont’d.
WARNING — Never exceed the maximum operating pressure or temperature limits of the system components. Pumps installed with the EQ Strainer Pot Assembly should not be tested at a pressure that exceeds the value written on the EQ Strainer Pot. See the Owner's Manual that accompanies that product for more instructions. Ensure that pressures higher than those required in the pressure test cannot inadvertently be applied to the circulation system. This may require the use of a pressure regulator between the water supply and the circulation system.
Changes in temperature or barometric pressure can cause the internal test pressure to increase or decrease over time once the system is isolated. A pressure relief device should be installed that would prevent the pressure from exceeding the intended test pressure. Exceeding these limits could result in a component failing under pressure. This instantaneous release of energy can cause failed components to be accelerated to high velocities and to travel distances of 100 feet or more. These components could cause severe personal injury or death if they were to strike a person.
7.Slowly apply the water pressure and allow the water to flow out all of the openings intended for air to escape. Close the openings beginning at the lowest level first and progressing to the highest level. Do not close any opening until you are sure that air is completely out of that part of the system.
8.Allow the pressure to slowly build once all of the air openings are closed. Close the valve between the water supply and circulation system to isolate the system from the supply pressure.
9.Monitor the system pressure for a few minutes to ensure that it is stabilized.
WARNING — Due to the potential risk that can be involved it is recommended that the pressure test be kept to the minimum time required by the local code. Do not allow people to work around the system when the circulation system is under pressure test. Post appropriate warning signs and establish a barrier around the pressurized equipment. If the equipment is located in an equipment room, lock the door and post a warning sign.
Never attempt to adjust any closures or lids or attempt to remove or tighten bolts when the system is pressurized. These actions can result in a separation or failure of system components. This instantaneous release of energy can cause components to be accelerated to high velocities and to travel distances of 100 feet or more. These components could cause severe personal injury or death if they were to strike a person.
10.It is normal for the test pressure to drift down slightly during the first few minutes as the circulation system expands under pressure.
11.If the system pressure continues to fall, then bleed off the remaining water pressure in the circulation system and inspect the system for leaks. Look for water on the floor and feel around joints for moisture.
12.Ensure the system is not under pressure before attempting any system adjustments or repairs.
13.Repeat the pressurization sequence once the system leaks have been corrected.
EQ Series Pump Installation and User’s Guide