Section 2
The following general information describes how to install the EQ Series pump.
Note: Before installing this product, read and follow all warning notices and instructions starting on page ii.
Installing the EQ Series Pump
Only a qualified service person should install the EQ Series pump.
Mechanical Installation and Pressure Testing
Mechanical Installation
1.Carefully remove the pump unit and strainer pot assembly, if included, from its shipping package.
2.The pump will perform best when the suction and return head losses (Total Dynamic Head (TDH)) of the pool system have been carefully determined and the correct pump model selected to fit these requirements. A pump should be selected to operate near the center of its Performance Curve with as high an efficiency as possible. It is also important that the Net Positive Suction Head Available (NPSHA) be greater than the Net Positive Suction Head Required (NPSHR) at the design flow rate.
3.If it is not possible to determine accurate suction and discharge head losses (Total Dynamic Head (TDH)), conservative plumbing practices should be strictly adhered to. This would include installing the pump as close to the pool as possible and at approximately the same level as the pool water level. (See page iv., General Installation Information, regarding when a strainer pot assembly is required.) Use large diameter pipe especially on the suction line to keep flow velocities at or below 6 feet per second (fps). Flow velocities in the return plumbing should not exceed 10 fps. Also keep elbows and tees to a minimum. Installations where the pump is going to be installed more that 10 feet below or 5 feet above the pool water level must be evaluated by an experienced professional to ensure that the pump will function correctly.
4.A solid flat foundation should be provided to support the pump. The area should be well drained so that the pump motor will not be flooded under any circumstances. Ensure that adequate space and lighting around the pump is provided for routine maintenance activities.
Do not install the pump motor within 5 feet of the inside walls of the pool wall unless the pump bears the UL listing mark. UL listed pumps may be installed within 5 feet of the inside walls of a swimming pool, spa or hot tub only if a solid copper bonding conductor not smaller than No. 8 AWG is connected from a bonding lug wire connector on the motor to all metal parts of the swimming pool, spa or hot tub structure and to all electrical equipment, metal conduit, and metal piping within 5 feet of the inside walls of the swimming pool, spa or hot tub.
5.It is good practice for most installations to install a valve on both the suction and return line so that the pump can be isolated for routine maintenance. However, a valve, elbow or tee installed in the suction line should be no closer to the front of the pump than 5 times the suction line pipe diameter. (i.e. 6 in. pipe requires a 30 in. straight run in front of the suction inlet of the pump.)
EQ Series Pump Installation and User’s Guide