Changes in temperature or barometric pressure can cause the internal test pressure to increase or decrease over time once the system is isolated. A pressure relief device should be installed that would prevent the pressure from exceeding the intended test pressure. Exceeding these limits could result in a component failing under pressure. This instantaneous release of energy can cause failed components to be accelerated to high velocities and to travel distances of 100 feet or more. These components could cause severe personal injury or death if they were to strike a person.
when the circulation system is under pressure test. Post appropriate warning signs and establish a barrier around the pressurized equipment. If the equipment is located in an equipment room, lock the door and post a warning sign.
Never attempt to adjust any closures or lids or attempt to remove or tighten bolts when the system is pressurized. These actions can result in a separation or failure of system components. This instantaneous release of energy can cause components to be accelerated to high velocities and to travel distances of 100 feet or more. These components could cause severe personal injury or death if they were to strike a person.
CAUTION — This pump is for use with permanently installed pools and may also be used with hot tubs and spas if so marked. Do not use with storable pools. A permanently installed pool is constructed in or on the ground or in a building such that it cannot be readily disassembled for storage. A storable pool is constructed so that it may be readily disassembled for storage and reassembled to its original integrity.
EQ Series Pump Installation and User’s Guide