I can hear a hum coming through my loud speakers
pLINK functions don’t work
No disc present
Check that a disc is inserted for the SXCD to play.
No volume setting
Make sure that the volume on your preamplifier or integrated amplifier is set to a suitable level.
Incorrect input
Confirm that the SXCD output is connected to the appropriate source input of the preamplifier or integrated amplifier.
Loud speakers not connected
Check that your loud speakers are firmly connected via cables into the binding posts n the rear of the amplifier.
Input sockets and/or output binding posts corroded
Check that RCA sockets and binding posts on the SXCD and other associated equipment are all free from corrosion.
Interconnect cables damaged
Make sure that the integrity of your interconnect cables is sound and they are firmly connected to your preamplifier or integrated amplifier and the SXCD CD player.
SXCD is close to external interference
Check the proximity of your SXCD to any possible source of EMI and/or RF interference, for example computers, televisions, amplifiers, speakers, etc. Ideally the SXCD should be placed as close as possible to your preamplifier or integrated amplifier.
Cable not plugged in
Ensure the pLINK cable is connected at both ends, to the SXCD and the controller device.
Connectors wired incorrectly
Check that the pLINK cable is wired correctly to interface with the controller device.
Incompatible remote codes
Make sure the remote control supports CD player
Weak remote batteries
The remote control’s batteries may need to be replaced, also check they are inserted correctly.