Product Information
4 No connect 12 No connect 20 No connect
5 No connect 13 No connect 21 No connect
6 DDC Clock 14 +5V Power 22 T.M.D.S. Clock
7 DDC Data 15 Hot Plug Detect 23 T.M.D.S. Clock+
8 No connect 16 Ground (for +5V) 24 T.M.D.S. Clock-
2. The 15-pin D-sub connector (male) of the signal cable:
No. Assignment Pin
No. Assignment
1 Red video input 9 DDC +5V
2 Green video input 10 Cable detect
3 Blue video input 11 Identical output,
connected to pin 10
4 Ground 12 Serial data line (SDA)
5 NC 13 H. Sync / H+V
6 Red video ground 14 V. Sync
7 Green video ground 15 Data clock line (SCL)
8 Blue video ground
3. RS232 Connector
D-sub 9-pin male connector for communication with plasma engine or PC.
file:///D|/My%20Documents/dfu/320WN6/english/320wn6/PRODUCT/PRODUCT.HTM (7 of 10)2005-11-07 12:39:02 PM