Enable or disable EasyLink

Do not enable Phili ps EasyLink if you d o not
intend to use it.
1 Pr ess ( Home).
2 Press to select [Setup] >
[Installation] > [Preferences] > [EasyLink].
3 Selec t [On] or [Off ].

Use one-touch play

1 After enablin g EasyLink, pres s play on
your device.
The TV automatically switches to the »
correct source.

Use one-touch standby

1 Press and hold Standby on th e TV’s or
device’s remote contr ol for at least three
The TV and all connected HDMI »
devices switch to standby.

System audio control

When enabled, t his feature automatica lly
turns off TV sp eakers when content fr om
an EasyLink-co mpliant home theatre s ystem
is played. Audio is played only from the
amplifi er’s speakers such as home theatr e
system’s speaker s or AV receiver.
Follow the instr uctions in the us er manual
of the connected de vices to map the audio
input to your TV correctly (see ‘Connect an
amplifi er’ on page 32 ).
1 Enable one-touch p lay and one-touch
standby bet ween your Easylink compl iant
devices by following the i nstructions
in the previous section (see ‘Enable or
disable EasyL ink’ on page 31 ).
Use Philips EasyLink
Your TV support s Philips EasyLink , which
uses the HDMI CEC (Con sumer Electronics
Control) protoco l. EasyLink-compli ant devices
that are connec ted through HDMI conn ectors
can be controlled by a s ingle remote control.
The EasyLin k-compliant device mu st be
switched on and s elected as the sou rce.
Philips does not gu arantee 100%
interopera bility with all H DMI CEC devices.

EasyLink features

Your TV supports t he following Easylink
features :
One-touch play:W hen you connect
your TV to devices th at support one-
touch play, you can control you r TV and
the devices with o ne remote control.
For example, whe n you press ‘Play’ on
your DVD remote contro l, your TV
automatically s witches to the corre ct
channel to show the DVD con tent.
One-touch sta ndby: When you connect
your TV to devices th at support stan dby,
you can use your TV re mote control to
put your TV and all co nnected HDMI
devices in stand by mode.
System audio control (One- touch audio):
When you connect you r TV to HDMI
CEC compliant ampl ifi er (such as, a
Home theatre sy stem or an AV receiver),
your TV can swi tch automatically to play
audio from the conn ected amplifi er. To
use one-touch audio , you must map the
audio input from t he connected amplifi er
to your TV. You can use the remote
control of the connec ted amplifi er or
your TV to adjust t he volume.
Remote control pass- through (RC key
forwarding):RC key forward ing allows
you to control Easy Link-compliant device s
using your TV rem ote control.
Pixel Plus Link:Ov errides the sett ings of
connected devi ces and uses the setting s
of the TV.
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