12 EN
Picture options
Access more options d uring slideshow.
[Rotate +90]: Rotate a pictur e 90 degrees clockwise .
[Rotate -90]: Rotate a pictur e 90 degrees counter -clockwise.
[Zoom]: Zoom into a picture. Press to select a zoom fac tor.
[Info]: Display picture info rmation.
[Duration per slide]: S et a display interval for a sl ideshow.
[Slide Animation]: Select a transition effec t for a slideshow.
[Picture Settings]: Select a pre defined color setting.
[Repeat]: Repeat a selected fo lder.
Audio options
Press repeatedly to cycle thro ugh the following options.
Repeat the curr ent track.
Repeat all the tr acks on the disc or folder.
Play audio track s in a random loop.
Turn off a repeat mode .