You can forward your calls to your voice mailbox (the phone number for callers to leave a message) via the Call forwarding feature.
Call voice mail
When you receive a voice mail, the phone will send you an alert. You can then call your voice mailbox number to retrieve your voice mail.
In idle mode, long press 1 to call your voice mailbox directly. If the number is empty, you will be prompted to enter the number.
Voice mail number
Generally, you can obtain two sets of numbers from your network provider:
•number for the caller to leave a message (this number can also used for Call Forwarding)
•number for you to retrieve your voice messages
Cell broadcast
This is a network service which allows you to receive text messages of various contents, such as news, traffic, etc. These messages are provided by the network to the subscribers within a certain network area. If this service is available, the network will provide you with
the broadcast channel numbers. It gives you access to the options listed below.
Options Description
Reception Select to turn on/off the reception of new cell broadcast messages.
Topics Add, change or delete channels. <Add new>: Press Add to add a new channel.
Change: Edit a channel number.
Delete: Delete a channel in the channel list.
You can set the reception of broadcast messsages On or Off. If you select Off, you will not receive any broadcast messages, even if you have set the corresponding channel numbers.
When you received a broadcast message, the message content will be displayed on the screen until you press
cBack. Broadcast messages will not be saved on your mobile phone or your SIM card. Once you exit from the message screen, you will not be able to read it again.
To obtain the codes corresponding to the different types, you must contact your operator.
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