5.2 Channel scanning
During the scanning process, the following information is
reported on screen:
- the number of TV and Radio channels detected,
- the scanning progress, indicated as a percentage,
- the strength of the signal and the quality of reception.
Note: if you press <OK> during the scanning process, you
interrupt the scanning and return to the Easy installation screen.
Please note that it may take a few seconds before the receiver
reacts to the <OK> key press. In this case, none of the channels
found are stored.
When scanning is successfully completed, a completion
message is displayed as well as the number of channels
Press <OK> to tune the receiver to the first channel in the
5.3 Scanning failure
In case of channel scanning failure, a failure message is
Before starting a new scanning
The following checks are recommended:
- antenna cable,
- antenna connection to your receiver (see chapter 5.1and
- number of channels available in the region corresponding
to your area.
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