exposed to rain or moisture , does not operate nor mally, or has
been dropped.
n Apparatus shall not be ex posed to dripping or spl ashing.
o Do not place any sources of dange r on the apparatus (e.g. li quid
filled objects, lighte d candles).
p This product may contain le ad and mercury. Disposal of t hese
materials may be regulated d ue to environmental con siderations.
For disposal or recycling in formation, please c ontact your local
authorities or the Elec tronic Industries A lliance: www.eiae .org.
q Where the MAINS plug or an a ppliance coupler is use d as the
disconnect device, the d isconnect device shall r emain readily
Never remove the casi ng of this appar atus.
Never lubricate any p art of this app aratus.
Never place this appar atus on other el ectrical e quipment.
Keep this apparatu s away from direc t sunlight, n aked flames or hea t.
Never look into the las er beam inside t his apparatu s.
Ensure that you always h ave easy access to t he power cord, pl ug or adaptor to
disconnect this app aratus from t he power.
Hearing safety
Listen at a moderate volume .
Using headphones at a hig h volume can impair you r hearing. This
product can produ ce sounds in decibel r anges that may cause hea ring
loss for a normal person, even for exposure less than a minute. The
higher decibel range s are offered for thos e that may have already
experienced some hearing loss.
Sound can be deceiving. O ver time your hearin g ‘comfort level’
adapts to higher volume s of sound. So after pr olonged listeni ng, what
sounds ‘normal’ can a ctually be loud and h armful to your hear ing. To
guard against this , set your volume to a safe le vel before your heari ng
adapts and leave it ther e.