To establish a safe volume level:
Set your volume control a t a low setting.
Slowly increase the s ound until you can hear i t comfortably a nd
clearly, without distortion.
Listen for reasonable pe riods of time:
Prolonged exposure t o sound, even at norm ally ‘safe’ levels, ca n also
cause hearing loss.
Be sure to use your equipm ent reasonably a nd take appropr iate
Be sure to observe the follow ing guidelines when us ing your
Listen at reasona ble volumes for reas onable periods of ti me.
Be careful not to adjus t the volume as your hea ring adapts.
Do not turn up the volume so h igh that you can’t hea r what’s around
You should use caution or temp orarily discont inue use in potentia lly
hazardous situa tions. Do not use headp hones while oper ating a
motorized vehicle, c ycling, skateboar ding, etc.; it may cr eate a traffic
hazard and is illega l in many areas.
Use of controls or adjus tments or per formance of p rocedures ot her than herei n
may result in hazar dous radiati on exposure or o ther unsafe ope ration.
Any changes or modificat ions made to this device t hat are not express ly
approved by Philips Consum er Lifestyle may voi d the user’s author ity to
operate the equipment.
This product compli es with the radio in terference re quirements of th e
European Community.
This product compli es with the requir ements of the follow ing directives
and guidelines: 200 4/108/EC + 2006/ 95/EC