*There are 3 option s for [DivX Subtitle].
Latin: Albanian, B reton, Cat alan, Danish , Dutch, Engli sh, Faroese , Finnish, Fre nch,
Gaelic, German, I celandic, Ir ish, Italia n, Norwegi an, Portugu ese, Spanish a nd
Central Europe: A lbanian, Cro at, Czech, Du tch, English, G erman, Hun garian, Ir ish,
Polish, Romanian, S lovak, Sloven e and Sorbian .
Turkish: Albanian, D anish, Dutch , English, Fin nish, French , Gaelic, Ger man, Itali an,
Kurdish (Latin), Nor wegian, Por tuguese, S panish, Swedi sh and Turkish.
6 Product information
Product informat ion is subjec t to change witho ut prior notic e.
Dimensions 195 x 154 x 38 mm
Weight 0.7 kg
Power supply Input: 100-240V 50/60 Hz
Output: DC 9V 1A
Power consumption 9 W
Operating temperature range 0-45°C
Laser wavelengt h 650 nm
Video system NTSC & PAL
Frequency response 20Hz-20KHz ± 1dB
Signal/noise ratio 80 dB
Audio distortion + noise -80 (1KHz)
Channel separation 80 dB
Dynamic range 80 dB
Audio out (analog audio) Output level: 2V ± 10%
Load impedance 10 K