OperatingChapter the WebCam
Deleting captured items
1Select the items you wish to delete in the content panel or under ‘Images’,‘Videos’ and ‘Folders’.
2Click ‘’.
> The following dialogue screen appears.
3Click the ‘OK’ button to delete the selected items.
Instant messaging and Internet calling (video chatting, video calling and VoIP)
The Philips SPC620NC WebCam works with all free instant messenging and VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) applications such as Skype, Windows® Live Messenger,Yahoo! Messenger, AOL Messenger and QQ.
1Click the ‘Communicate’ tab to open the ‘Communicate’ menu.
>The available applications are shown by their icons.
2Click the appropriate ‘Install’ button to download and install an application.
3Follow the
4After installing an application, make the required WebCam settings within the application in order to be able to properly use the WebCam via the application.
5Click the appropriate ‘Launch’ button to start an application.
• If you need assistance select ‘Application Help’ in the ‘Help’ menu.