OperatingChapter the WebCam
Monitor settings
•Click ‘
’ to access the ‘Monitor settings’ menu.
>The following dialogue screen appears.
•Enter the minimum memory capacity you wish to remain on your harddisk during recording.
>Recording stops automatically when harddisk space comes below the set amount of Mbs.
•Check the ‘Notification’ box if you wish a notification to be send to an
•Enter the
•Use the ‘Browse’ button to select an audio file if you wish an audio file to start playing as soon as movement is detected.
•Use the sensitivity slider to set the desired sensitivity level for the WebCam detector.The sensitivity level determines the minimum amount of movement that will cause the WebCam to start recording.
The higher the sensitivity level, the sooner recording starts.
•Click the ‘OK’ button to store your settings and close the dialogue box or click ‘’ or the ‘Cancel’ button to close the dialogue box without saving any settings.
Deleting videologs
1Select the logs you wish to delete in the content panel or under ‘By date’.
2Click ‘’.
> The following dialogue screen appears.
3Click the ‘OK’ button to delete the selected videologs.