7 Saturation
Saturation enables you to set the colour reproduction from black and white to a full colour image or video according to your own preference. Use the slider to find your preferred setting.
8 Exposure
The exposure setting determines the amount of light that will fall onto the video sensor chip by controlling the gain and shutter speed;
In manual mode you can control the gain and shutter speed settings manually. With full automatic mode 'on' the exposure controls are disabled.
9 Backlight compensation
Turn on the backlight compensation to improve the image quality when you have a scene where the background has a high illumination level (for instance when you are sitting in front of a bright light).
0 Mirror
Clicking the 'Mirror Image' checkbox flips the image horizontally.You can use this feature when you want to use the Philips SPC 200NC and monitor as a mirror, or to take pictures of mirrored images.
!Black and white
The 'Black and white' checkbox is used to switch from colour images to black and white and back.