Code Learning
Tips On Learning
You can only learn one device type under any one Mode button e.g. only learn TV codes under the TV Mode, VCR codes under the VCR Mode, etc. If you are trying to learn from a “Universal” remote, it might have more than one code type stored under a Mode. Try learning from another remote to see if there’s a problem with the type or brand of remote you are trying to learn from.
a.Some functions from some types of remotes might not be able to be learned.
b.No functions may be stored under the SETUP or MACRO button.
c.Only one original device type can be learned per individual Mode.
d.Use fresh batteries for both the Learning Remote and the Original Remote.
e.Do not attempt to Learn directly under an incandescent or
f.Perform a Master Clear (see page 23) before learning and try learning 2 or 3 commands initially. Then carry out a Master Clear before completely learning your original remote’s commands.
g.Carry out a “Mode Clear” before learning a Mode to make sure there are no previously learned commands for that Mode.
h.Place the original remote
i.Keep the distance between the two remotes to approximately 1 inch and do not move or change the distance between the two remotes until you have learned all the required buttons for that Mode.
j.Avoid learning your original remote Volume/Mute buttons unless you are sure these operate the same device e.g. some original DVD remotes include TV Volume/Mute button control and can be two different types of code.
k.Avoid learning your original remote VCR buttons unless you are sure these operate the same device e.g. some original TV remotes include VCR button control and can be two different types of code.
l.Learning a button can take up to 3 seconds. Do not release the button being Learned until SUCCESS or LEARN ERROR has been displayed.
Tips On Learning, cont.
m.If learning the first or second buttons for a Mode results in continuous errors then try the following:
i.End the Learn session by pressing the QUIT button.
ii.Clear out the learned commands for that Mode.
iii.Check the IR transmitters are correctly aligned between the two remotes.
iv.Adjust the distance between the two remotes to be closer (e.g. half an inch) or a further away (e.g. 2 inches) from each other.
v.Try learning the original remote for that Mode again.
If problems reoccur with the same button check the original remote button being learned – does it transmit? Does it operate the target device? Try learning that button under a different clear Mode. If it learns okay then it is likely to be a different code type from the others and cannot be learned under the same Mode.
Learning Notes
1.You cannot learn under the Setup or Macro button.
2.All learned commands for a Mode are deleted if the same or a new
3.The Backlighting is turned off for Learning.
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