Youmay experience picture disturbance if you have not used
ascart cable to connect your video recorder and TV. This is
becauseanother TV station in your reception areamay
alreadybe using UHF-channel CH36 or 591MHz.
aMakesure that there is no cassette in the video recorder.
Withthe video recorder switched off hold the SYSTEM
buttonfor a few seconds until the modulator frequency,
forexample, ’G591’ (591 Mhz or channel 36) appears on
thevideo recorder display. The video recorder will then
transmita test picture channel orfrequency.
bChangethe modulator frequency with the Pror
cConfirmthe new modulator frequency with the OK
dTunein the TV set to this channel or frequency.
eToend, press the TV/STANDBYmbutton.
DIfthe picture or sound quality is poor, you may have
selectedthe wrong TV system.At step a, select
theTV system ’G591’ for PAL-B,G or ’K591’for
SECAM-D,K,using the SELECT button.If you want to
switchthe modulator on again, hold the
CLEAR(CL), ybutton, until ’G591’ (Modulator
switchedon) appears on the display.
fToend, press the TV/STANDBYmbutton.
Switching off the modulatorIfyou cannot clear picture or sound interference, you can
switchoff the built-in modulator.
Youshould only do this if you have connected the video
recorderto the TV set with a scart cable. ’Connecting VCR
withoutscart cable’ is not possible when the modulator is
aSwitchon the TV set and select the programme number
forthe video recorder.
bMakesure that no cassette is in the video recorder.
Pressthe SYSTEM buttonfor several seconds, until, for
example,’G591’ appears on the videorecorder display.
cHoldthe CLEAR(CL), ybutton, until ’MOFF’ (modulator
off)appears on the video recorder display. If you want to
switchthe modulator on again, hold the CLEAR(CL), y
button,until ’G591’ (Modulator switched on) appears on
dToend, press the TV/STANDBYmbutton.