Automatic recording from a satellitereceiver (SAT RECORDING)
Youcan only use this function, when you have a satellite
receiver,which can control other equipment by a ’program-
aSwitchon the TV set. If required, select the programme
numberfor the video recorder.
bPressthe MENU button.The main menu appears.
cSelectthe line ’RECORD FUNCTIONS’ with the menu
buttons P=or P;,and confirm with the Pbutton.
dSelectthe line ’RECORD SETTINGS’ with the menu
buttons P=or P;,and confirm with the Pbutton.
eSelectthe line ’SAT RECORD’ with the menu buttons
P=or P;.
fSelectthe required scart socket ’E1’ or ’E2’ with the menu
buttons Qor P.
Ifyou want to switch off the function, select ’OFF’ with
themenu buttons Por Q.
gConfirmwith the OK button.
hUsea scart cable to connect the scart socket you
selectedon the video recorder ( AV1EXT1 or AV2 EXT2 )to
thecorresponding scart socket on the satellite receiver.
iInserta cassette.
jToend, press the STANDBYmbutton. The video recorder
isnow prepared for recording. The start and end of the
recordingis controlled via one of the scart sockets.
DWhenthis function is switched on, ’x’ appears in the
Direct Record
Withthis function switched on, and the video recorder
switchedto standby, the video recorder automaticallytakes
thechannel number which iscurrently selected on the
televisionwhen it starts recording, by means ofthe scart
DWith’Connecting with scart cable and ’Easy Link/NexT-
View’,the video recorder also takes the programme
numberfrom the TV set automatically with the video
recorderswitched on.
aSwitchon the TV set. If required, select the programme
numberfor the video recorder.
bPressthe MENU button.The main menu appears.
cSelectthe line ’RECORD FUNCTIONS’ with the menu
buttons P=or P;,and confirm with the Pbutton.
dSelectthe line ’RECORD SETTINGS’ with the menu
buttons P=or P;,and confirm with the Pbutton.
eSelectthe line ’DIRECT RECORD’ with the menu buttons
P=or P;.
fSelectthe function ’ON’ with the menu buttons Qor
P.If you select ’OFF’, the function will be switched off.
gConfirmwith the OK button.
hToend, press the MENU button.
iSwitchoff with the STANDBYmbutton.
jOnthe TV set, select the programme number you want
makethe recording from.
kPressthe RECORD/OTRnbutton with the video recorder
DDon’tselect another programme number on your TV set,
untilthe ’search symbol’ in the display of your video
recorderdisappears. This can take up to one minute.
DWhen’NOTV’ appears in the display, the programme
numbercould not be found. The video recorder switches