!Thisunit is for vehicles with a 12-volt batter y
andnegative grounding. Before installing it in
arecreational vehicle, truck, or bus, check the
!Toavoid shorts in the electrical system, be
sureto disconnect the *battery cable before
!Referto the owner’s manual for details on
connectingthe power amp and other units,
thenmake connections correctly.
!Securethe wiring with cable clamps or adhe-
sivetape. To protect the wiring, wrap adhesive
tapearound them where they lie against
!Routeand secure all wiring so it cannot touch
anymoving parts, such as the gear shift,
handbrakeand seat rails. Do not route wiring
inplaces that get hot, such as near theheater
outlet.If the insulation of the wiring melts or
getstorn, there is a danger of the wiring short-
circuitingto the vehicle body.
!Don’tpass the yellow lead through a hole into
theengine compartment to connect to the
battery.This will damage the lead insulation
andcause a very dangerous short.
!Donot shorten any leads. If you do, the protec-
tioncircuit may fail to work when it should.
!Neverfeed power to other equipment by cut-
tingthe insulation of the power supply lead of
theunit and tapping into the lead. The current
capacityof the lead will be exceeded, causing
!Whenreplacing the fuse, be sure to only use a
fuseof the rating prescribed on the fuse
!Toprevent incorrect connection, the input side
ofthe IP-BUS connector is blue, and the out-
putside is black. Connect the connectors of
thesame colors correctly.
!Connectonly the dock connector to the iPod
sothat this unit works properly.
!Beforeconnecting the dock connector to the
iPod,disconnect the headphones from the
Cordsfor this product and those for other pro-
ductsmay be different colors even if they have
thesame function. When connecting this pro-
ductto another product, refer to the supplied
manualsof both products and connect cords
thathave the same function.
ConnectionsEn 13