About handling the iPod


!Pioneeraccepts no responsibility for lost data
onthe iPod even if that data is lost while
usingthis unit.
!Donot allow direct sunlight to fall on the iPod
whenit is not being used. Extended exposure
todirect sunlight can result in iPod malfunc-
tiondue to the resulting high temperatures.
!Donot leave the iPod in high temperatures or
!Fixthe iPod securely when using with this
unit.Do not let the iPod fall onto the floor,
whereit may become jammed under the
brakeor accelerator pedal.
Fordetails, refer to the iPods manuals.

About iPod settings

!Youcannot operate the iPod Equalizer on
thePioneer products. We recommend that
youset the iPod Equalizer to off, before con-
nectingthe iPod to this unit.
!Youcannot set Repeat to off on the iPod
whenusing this unit. Even if you set Repeat
tooff on the iPod, Repeat is changed to All
automaticallywhen connecting the iPod to
!TheShuffle function of the iPod is operated
asRandom on the Pioneer products.
Connecting anddisconnecting the iPod
!Connectonly the dock connector to the
iPodso that this unit works properly.
!Beforeconnecting the dock connector to
theiPod, disconnect the headphones from
%Connectthe iPod to this unit.
Assoon as the iPod is connected, its power is
automaticallyturned on.
Whilethe iPod is connected to this unit,
PIONEER(or (check mark)) is displayed on
!Whenthe ignition switch is set to ACC or
ON,the iPods battery is charged while the
iPodis connected to this unit.
!Whilethe iPod is connected to this unit, the
iPoditself cannot be turned on or off.
#TheiPod connected to this unit is turned off
abouttwo minutes after the ignition switch is set
%Removethe iPod from this unit.
Whenremoving the iPod from this unit, the
iPodmain menu is displayed after a few sec-
Before YouStart