
Disc Title Input

You can inp ut Titles up to 10 letters long for up to 100 discs. Using this fu nction lets yo u easily
search for and select a desired disc for play. (You can store ITS program and Disc Title data
for up to 100 discs in memory.)
To insert a space, select the flashing cursor.
The title remains on the message display.
Pressing the BAND button cancels the Detailed Setting Menu.
Title s rem a in in memor y, eve n after the disc has been remov ed from the magazine, and a re recalled
when the di sc is reinserted.
After the titles for 100 discs have been entered, data for a new disc will overwrite the data for the disc
that has not been played back for the longest time. If a Multi-CD player is installed, the data is stored
in the Multi-CD playerÕs memory.