| 11 |
| Additional information |
| ||||
| About iPod/iPhone/iPad |
| Apple Lossless Audio Codec |
| About messages displayed when using |
| ||||
| Copyright © 2011 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. | network functions | ||||
| Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may | Refer to the following information when you come up with a | ||||
| obtain a copy of the License at | status message while operating the Network functions. | ||||
| ||
| Status messages | Descriptions |
| ||
| ||
| About FLAC |
| Connection Down | The selected category or Internet radio | |
| station cannot be accessed. | |
| FLAC Decoder |
| File Format Error | Cannot be played back for some | ||
| Copyright © 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, |
| ||||
| reasons. | |||
| 2008, 2009 Josh Coalson |
| |||
| Track Not Found | The selected song has not been found | |||
| Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or |
| ||||
| without modification, are permitted provided that the |
| anywhere on the network. | ||
| following conditions are met: |
| Server Error | The selected server cannot be accessed. | ||
| |||||
| • Redistributions of source code must retain the above |
| Server Disconnected | The server has been disconnected. | ||
| copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following |
| |||
AirPlay works with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch with iOS |
| disclaimer. |
| Empty | There are no files stored in the selected | |||||
4.3.3 or later, Mac with OS X Mountain Lion, and Mac and PC |
| • Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above |
| folder. | |||||
with iTunes 10.2.2 or later. |
| copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following |
| License Error | The license for the contents to be played | |||||
Bluetooth technology works with iPhone 5, iPhone 4S, iPhone |
| disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials |
| |||||||
| back is invalid. | |||||||
4, iPhone 3GS, iPhone 3G, iPhone, iPad (3rd and 4th |
| provided with the distribution. |
| ||||||
| Item Already Exists | This is displayed when the file you have | |||||||
generation), iPad 2, iPad, iPad mini, and iPod touch (2nd |
| • Neither the name of the Xiph.org Foundation nor the |
| |||||||
through 5th generation). |
| names of its contributors may be used to endorse or |
| attempted to register in the Favorites | |||||
USB works with iPhone 5, iPhone 4S, iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, |
| promote products derived from this software without |
| folder has already been registered. | |||||
iPhone 3G, iPhone, iPad (3rd and 4th generation), iPad 2, |
| specific prior written permission. |
| Favorite List Full | This is displayed when you have | |||||
iPad, iPad mini, iPod touch (1st through 5th generation) and | THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS |
| attempted to register a file in the | ||||||
iPod nano (1st through 7th generation). | AND CONTRIBUTORS “AS IS” AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED |
| Favorites folder but the Favorites folder is | ||||||
“Made for iPod,” “Made for iPhone,” and “Made for iPad” | WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE |
| already full. | ||||||
mean that an electronic accessory has been designed to | IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS |
| |||||
connect specifically to iPod, iPhone, or iPad, respectively, and | FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO |
| |||||
has been certified by the developer to meet Apple | EVENT SHALL THE FOUNDATION OR CONTRIBUTORS BE |
| |||||
performance standards. Apple is not responsible for the | LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, |
| |||||
operation of this device or its compliance with safety and | EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, |
| |||||
regulatory standards. Please note that the use of this | BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE |
| |||||
accessory with iPod, iPhone, or iPad may affect wireless | GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR |
| |||||
| |||||
Apple, AirPlay, iPad, iPhone, iPod, iPod nano, iPod touch, | THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT |
| |||||
iTunes, Safari, Bonjour and Mac are trademarks of Apple Inc., | LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR |
| |||||
registered in the U.S. and other countries. Lightning is a | OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS |
| |||||
| |||||