DM1000™ Digital Mailing System Operating Guide
SV60951 Rev. B 5-11
Scale/Rates: Smart ClassesThe Smart Class™ capability of the DM Series™ mailing system software
has been enhanced to provide fully automatic printing of postal inscriptions
or postal endorsements. With the Smart Class™ feature, you are able to
set the WOW® (Weigh-On-The-Way®) in an automatic mode to allow
changes in Class based on the weight of the mail-piece. (Example: Auto-
matically switch between Presort Classes depending on the weight of mail-
pieces.) Now, the system can also automatically switch between Postal
Inscriptions (i.e. PRESORT) or Postal Endorsement (i.e. MEDIA MAIL,
ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED) that you choose for each weight
Two steps are required to use this feature. First, you must select an adver-
tisement and/or inscription while setting up the Smart Class™ template.
Second, you must turn “on” the printing capability of printing Auto Inscrip-
tions. See Setting Up a Smart Class™ with an Auto Inscription in this sec-
tion for more information.
Creating a Smart Class™ with an Auto Inscription
The following example shows how to set 3 different weight breaks. The
weight breaks will use the following three classes.
1. Press the Menu key.
2. Select Set Up, then press the down arrow and select Scales/Rates.
3. Press the down arrow (depending on your system you may have to
press it twice) and select Smart Classes.
4. Select Create.
5. Select the appropriate Carrier, in this example, USPS Domestic.
a. You are prompted to enter the maximum weight for this weight
b. To set the first weight break, use the numeric keys and enter 0 for
lb. Press the Enter key. Enter 3 for oz and press the Enter key.
c. Select the appropriate class, in this example, 1st Class Auto.
d. Select the appropriate subclass. In this example, select Letter, then
select 5-Digit.
e. The Fees screen appears. Press Enter.
For weight break: Use Class:
0.0 oz to 3.0 oz 1st Class Automation Letter 5 Digit
3.0 oz to 13.0 oz 1st Class Non-Automation Presort
13.0 oz to 1.0 lb. Priority
Enter the max weight for this
weight break
0 lb. 0.0 oz to __lb. __oz