VII. Presentation of Your Material using the LT3200
You should experiment with placement of the objects to be displayed in the LT3200 to optimize their appearance and interaction with your video content. You will find that the brightness of display box and the legibility of the screen content can be affected by the color of objects placed in the display box. For best results we suggest avoiding large areas of dark colors inside the display box.
Most conventional digital signage video content can be used with the LT3200, but enhancements to the content are possible to optimize the
In order to maximize the brightness of the LT3200 we have provided an extremely high level of white light illumination for your display box design. In addition to enhancing the appearance of objects inside the box and of the LCD display, this intense light level can be used to drive a photovoltaic turntable to further enhance the
We recommend testing of materials to be displayed for an extended period (weeks to months) in the display box for their color stability. The intense white light illumination required inside the box can cause color fading due to photobleaching, similar to what can happen to vulnerable colored materials due to exposure to sunlight.
LT3200 Owner Manual 13 P a g e