PLANET Technology Corp.

GRT-101/401/402 User’s Manual

PPPoA/PPPoE protocols must work with NAT/PAT. Please refer to section 3.11.3 NAT/PAT for details.

3.13 System Status and Performance

Use the “status” command to display GRT series activities. To see a list of applications and interfaces that provide status, enter:

admin# status ?


shdsl <CR>

Show SHDSL status

wan <CR>

Show WAN interface status

route <CR>

Show routing table

To display specific information, for example, for the SHDSL interface status and performance, enter:

admin# status shdsl

<SHDSL Status>


SHDSL mode




Tx Power


Current SNR Margin




CRC Error Count


SHDSL Remote Side Status


Current SNR margin




CRC Error Count


These statistics are:

CRC error count — The cyclic redundancy check error count.

Attenuation —The difference in decibels (dB) between the power level received at the near end versus the power level transmitted from the far end.

Signal-to-Noise (SNR) Margin — The SNR margin represents the amount of increased received signal (in decibels) relative to the noise power level that the unit is designed to tolerate without disconnecting from the network.

To display status of WAN ports, enter:

admin# status wan


IP address



VPI/ VCI Enc Protocol Active
