File view
During action recording or when recording is paused, the display will automatically scroll through the following cumulative values if you press and hold the START button:
ACTIVE TIME = The duration of truly active body movement since you started recording. Compare the active time with the total time and find out how long you have been moving on an intensity level that improves fitness. This time excludes the time you have spent on stops and breaks during your walk. If your activity watch does not detect any motion for over an hour, the activity recording will pause until you start it again manually.
ACT(IVE) STEPS = Instead of counting single steps, Polar AW200 Activity Watch counts only the steps that are based on continuous motion of the whole body. The active steps improve fitness more efficiently than the steps taken on a very low intensity.
ASCENT = The total vertical elevation you have gained since you started recording.
DESCENT = The total vertical drop you have completed since you started recording your action.
You can stop the automatic scrolling by pressing either UP or DOWN at any time.
Your Polar AW200 Activity Watch is designed to be worn on your wrist. Hanging it for example on your backpack can cause inaccurate activity measurements or no data recording at all.
During Activity 17