C o n n e c t o r D e s c r i p t i o n
hAUDIO OUT Provides audio output to an
external stereo system.
iRGB OUT Provides computer output to a
separate monitor.
jC O N T R O L Connects to a serial cable for
computer control.
kPower switch Turns power on and off.
Control panel
The projector control-panel keys are used to turn the projec-
tor on or off, adjust the projected image, and to display and
hide the menu. Power, warning, and alert lights give you
important information about how your projector is working.
K e y F u n c t i o n
S T A N D B Y / O N Turns the lamp on or off.
I N P U T Switches the video inputs.
M U T E Turns the audio on or off.
ZOOM +/- Zooms in and out.
FOCUS +/- Adjusts the focus.
Introduction 7