Repeat the above process for each MX392 microphone that you want to connect to the Vortex Device.
Go to the Logic Output page of Conference Composer. If the LED IN wire is connected to Logic Output pin 1, then you need to assign Pin 1 by
Reversing the polarity is critical to proper operation. When S3 is in the ON position, the MX392 wants to see an Active Low signal (0V DC) from the Vortex Device in order to illuminate the LED. By default, the EF Device has been designed to assume that an Active High signal (+5V DC) is required to drive an LED. The MX392 uses the active low signal to use part of the phantom power voltage to illuminate the LED. If you do not reverse the polarity, the LED will light up exactly the opposite way you will have intended.
Next, right click in the ACTIVATED COMMAND column for Logic Input 1 and select INSERT, INPUT, 1, MUTE, OFF. Now, whenever the microphone is unmuted (Mute = False), the LED will illuminate on the MX392.