LinkPlus Interface Guide: Avaya DEFINITY Communications System
Key-mapping the Handset to Emulate 8410D Functionality
Programmable buttons on Page 2 of the station form can be assigned as determined in the
FCN*1 | FCN*2 | FCN*3 | FCN*4 |
FCN*5 | FCN*6 | FCN*7 | FCN*8 |
Menu | EXIT | PREV | NEXT |
| LINE 1 | LINE 6 |
| LINE 2 | FCN 5 |
| LND |
| |
| |
| LINE 3 | FCN 6 |
| |
| |
| LINE 4 | FCN 7 |
| |
| |
| LINE 5 | FCN 8 |
| |
| |
| FCN 2 |
| XFER |
| FCN 3 |
| CONF |
FCN 1 | FCN 4 |
| HOLD |
DEFINITY 8410D Key-mapping
The FCN [number] and LINE [number] labels represent the key sequence on the handset mapped to the corresponding key on the desk set. The FCN * sequence is used to map to softkeys. Pressing the FCN key on the handset followed by the * key and the [number] key
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