Shoes Safety Chaps
Safety Hat
SKeep all parts ofy ourbody away from the
chain when unit is running.
SKeep children, bystanders, and animals a
minimumof 50 feet (15 meters) away from
thework ar ea. Donot allow other peopleor
animalsto be near whenstarting oroperat-
ing the unit. D o not let visitors contact unit or
extension cord.
50f eet
(15 meters)
DANGER: Do not
use near electrical
wires or power lines.
Keep pruner at least
30 feet (10 meters)
away from all power
SDo not handle or operate this unit when you
are fatigued, ill, or upset, or if you have taken
alcohol, drugs, or medication. Youmust be in
good physical condition and mentally alert. If
you have any condition that might be aggra-
vated by strenuous work, check with doctor
before operating this unit.
SCarefully plan your operation in advance.
Do not start cutting until you have a clear
work area, secure footing, and a planned
retreatpath. Cluttered areas invite injuries.
If situations occur which are not covered in
this manual, use care and good judgment. If
youneed assistanc e, contact y our authorized
service dealer or call 1-800-554-6723.


(applies to all attachme nts)

Avoid a dangerous environment. To reduce
therisk ofelectr ical shock, do not use in rain,
indamp or wet locations, or around swimming
pools, hot tubs, etc. Do not expose to snow,
rain,or water to av oid the possibility of electri-
calshock . Do not use on wet surfaces. Do not
handle extension cord plug or unit with wet
hands. Avoid dangerous situations. Do not
use in the presence of flammable liquids or
gases to avoid creating a fire or explosion
and/orcaus ing damageto unit .D o notabus e
cord. Never carry the unit by the ext ension
cord or yank extension cord to disconnec t
unit. Tounplug, grasp the plug, not the cord.
Donot usec ord as a handle, close a door on
cord, or pull cord around sharp edges or cor-
ners. Turn off all controls before unplugging.
Donot expos e cords to heat, oil, or wat er.Do
not use with damaged cord or plug. If unit is
not working as it should, has been dropped,
damaged, left outdoors, or dropped into wa-
ter,return it to your authoriz eds ervice dealer
for repair. Unplug the unit from the power
sourcewhen not in use,before ser vicing, and
when changing accessories and/or attac h-
ments. Do not put any object into openings.
Do not use with any opening blocked; keep
freeof dust, lint, hair and anything that mayre-
duce air flow.
SUse a voltage supply as shown on unit.
SAvoiddangerous envir onments. Do not use
in unventilated areas or where dust or ex-
plosive vapors can build up.
SToreduce the risk of electrical s hock, this
equipmenthas a polar ized plug (one blade
is wider than the other) and will require the
use of a polarized extension cord. The ap-
pliance plug will fit into a polarized exten-
sioncord only oneway. Ifthe plug doesnot
fit fully into the extension cord, reverse the
plug. If the plug still does not fit, obtain a
correct polarized extension cor d. A polar-
izedextens ion cord will require the use of a
polarizedwall outlet. This plug w ill fit into the
polarized wall outlet only one way. If plug
doesnot fit fully into thewall outlet, rev erse
theplug. If it still does not fit, contac t aquali-
fiedelectric ian to install the proper wall out-
let.Do not change the equipment plug, ex-
tension cord receptacle, or extension cord
plugin any way.
SToreduce risk of electrical shock, use ex ten-
sion cords specifically marked as suitable for
outdoorappliances havingelectric al rating not
less than the rating of unit. Cord must be
marked with suffix “W--A” (in Canada “W”).
Make sure your extensioncord is in good
condition. Inspect extension co rd before use
and replace if damaged. Do not use a dam-
agedcord. Cordinsulat ion must be intact with
no cracks or deterioration. Plug connectors
must be undamaged. The extension cord
used to reach the power source must be
heavy enough to carry cur rent from the power
source the full length of the extension cord to
the unit. An undersized extension cord will
cause a drop in line voltage resulting in loss of
power and overheating. If in doubt, use the
next heavier gauge. The lower the gauge
number, the heavier the cord (see SELECT
SDo not use multiple cords.
SKeep the extension cord clear of operator
andobstacles atall times. Position cord so
that it will not be caught on branches.