SDo not handle or operate a pruner when you
are fatigued, ill, or upset, or if you have taken
alcohol, drugs, or medication. Youmust bein
good physical condition and mentally alert. If
you have any condition that might be
aggravated by strenuous work, check with
doctor before operatinga pruner.
SDo not operate the pruner with one hand.
Serious injury to the operator, helpers,
bystanders or any combination of these
persons may result from one-handed
operation. A pruner is intended for
two-handed use.
SOperate pruner only in a well-ventilated
outdoor area.
SDonot oper ate pruner from a ladder or in a
SDonot use a pruner to cut down trees or any
portion of the tree trunk.
SOnly use for pruning limbs or branches
overheadnot greater than 4 inches (10 cm)
SNeverstand under the limb y ou are pruning.
Always position yourself out of the path of
falling debris.
SDonot cut small brush and s aplings with the
pruner. Slender matter may catch in the
chain and be whipped toward you, pulling
you off balance.
SMake sure the chain will not make contact
with any object while starting the engine.
Never try to start the unit w hen the guide
bar is in a cut.
SDonot put pressure on the pruner at the end
ofthe cut. Applying press ure can cause you
to lose control when the cut is completed.
SDo not run the unit at high speed when not
SIf you strike or become entangled w ith a
foreignobject, s top the engine immediately
andc heck for damage. Have any damage
repaired by an authorized service dealer
before attempting further operations.
SDo not operate a pruner that is damaged,
improperly adjusted, or notc ompletely and
securely assembled. Always replace bar
and chain immediately if it becomes
damaged,broken or is otherwise remov ed.
SAlways stop the unit when work is delay ed
orwhen walking from one cutting location to
another. Stop the engine before setting the
unit down.
SCarefully plan your pruning operation in
advance. Do not start cut tinguntil you have
a clear work area, secure footing, and a
plannedr etreat path.
SUse only in daylight or good artificial light.
SUse only for jobs explained in this manual
(or manuals for optional attachments).


DANGER: Neveruse blades with line
trimmer attachment. Never use flailing de-
vices with any attachment. This unit (when
usedwith supplied line t rimmer attachment) is
designedfor line trimmer use only. Us e of any
other accessories with line trimmer attach-
mentw ill increase the risk of injury.
WARNING : Trimmer line throws ob-
jects violently. Youand others can be blinded/in -
jured. Wear eye and leg protection. K eep body
parts clear of rotating line.
Eye Protection
50 ft.
Keep children, bystanders, and animals 50feet
(15 meters) away. Stop unit immediately if ap-
SDress properly. Always wear safety
glasses or similar eye protection when
operating, or performing maintenance, on
your unit (safety glasses are available).
Eye protection should be marked Z87.
SAlways wear face or dust mask if operation
is dusty.
SAlways wear heavy, long pants, long
sleeves,boots , andglov es. Wearingsafet y
legguar ds is recommended.
SAlways wear foot protection. Do not go
barefoot or wear sandals. Stay clear of
spinning line.
SSecurehair above s houlder length. Secure
or remove loose clothing or clothing with
loosely hanging ties, straps, tassels, etc .
They can be caught in moving parts.
SBeing fully covered also helps protect you
from debris and pieces of toxic plants
thrown by spinning line.
SStay Alert. Do not operate this unit when
you are tired, ill, upset or under the
influence of alcohol, drugs, or medication.
Watch what you are doing; use common
SWearhearing pr otection.
SNever start or run inside a closed room or
building. Breathing exhaust fumes can kill.
SKeep handles free of oil and fuel.
SAlways keep engine on the right hand side
of your body.
SHold the unit firmly with both hands.
SKeep trimmer head (or other optional
attachment) below waist level and away
from all parts of your body. Do not raise
engineabov e your waist.
SKeep all parts of your body away from
muffler and spinning line (or other optional
attachment). Keep engine below waist
level. A hot muffler can cause serious
SKeep firm footing and balance. Do not
overreach or use from unstable surfac es
such as ladders, trees, steep slopes ,
rooftops, etc.
SUse only in daylight or good artificial light.
SUse only for jobs explained in this manual
(or manuals for optional attachments).