SWatchfor shif ting ofw ood orot her forces that
could close a cut and pinch or fall into chain.
SUse the Reduced--Kickback Guide Bar and
Low--Kickback Chain specified for your unit.


SKeep a good, firm grip on the pruner with
bothhands when the engine is running and
don’tlet go. Afirm grip will help you reduce
kickback and maintain control. Keep the
fingersof y our left hand encircling and your
left thumb under the assist handle. Keep
your right hand completely around the
throttle handle whether your are right
handedor lef t handed.
SStandwith your weight ev enly balanced on
bothf eet.
SStandslightly to the left s ide of the pruner to
keep your body from being in a direct line
with the cutting chain.


The following features are included on your
prunerto help reduce t hehazar d ofk ickback;
however, such features will not totally elimi-
natethis danger. As a pruner user, do not rely
only on safety devices. You must follow all
safety precautions, instructions, and mainte-
nance in this manual to help avoid kickbac k
and other forces which can result in s erious
SReduced--Kickback Guide Bar, designed
with a small radius tip which reduces the
sizeof the kic kback danger zone on the bar
SmallRadius Tip
ReducedKickback SymmetricalGuide Bar
LargeRadius Tip
SLow--Kickback Chain, designed with a
contoured depth gauge and guard link
which deflect kickback force and allow
wood to gradually ride into the cutter.
Nota Low---Kickback Chain
CanObstruct Material
Contoured Depth Gauge
Elongated Guard Link
andallows wood
togradual ly ride
SAFETYNOTICE: Exposure to v ibrations
through prolonged use of gasoline powered
handtools could c ause blood vessel or nerve
damage in the fingers, hands, and joints of
people prone to circulation disorders or ab-
normal swellings. Prolonged use in cold
weatherhas been link ed to blood vess el dam-
agein otherwise healthy people. I f symptoms
occur such as numbness, pain, los s of
strength, change in skin color or texture, or
loss of feeling in the fingers, hands, or joints,
discontinuethe use of this tool and seek med-
icalat tention. An ant i--vibrationsys tem does
not guarantee the avoidance of these prob-
lems. Users who operate power tools on a
continual and regular basis must monitor
closelytheir physical c ondition and the condi-
tion of this tool.
SPECIALNOTICE: This unit is equipped
with a temperature limiting muffler and spark
arresting screen which meets the r equire-
mentsof California Codes 4442 and 4443. All
U.S. forest land and the states of California,
Idaho, Maine, Minnesota, New Jersey, Ore-
gon, and Washington require by law that
many internal combustion engines be
equippedwith a spark arresting screen. Ifyou
operatein a locale where suc h regulations ex-
ist,you are legally responsible for maintaining
theoperating condition of these parts. Failure
to do so is a violation of the law. For normal
homeowneruse, the muffler and s park arrest-
ing screen will not require any service. After
50 hours of use, we recommend that your
mufflerbe s erviced or replaced by an autho-
rized service dealer.


WARNING : For each optional at-
tachmentused, read entire instruc tion manu-
al before use and follow all warnings and in-
structions in manual and on attachment.
WARNING : Ensure handlebar is
installed when using edger or brushcutter at-
tachments. At tach handlebar above arrow on
safety label on the upper shaft (engine end of
unit).If y our edger or brushcutter attachment
doesnot include a handlebar, a handlebar ac-
cessory kit (#530071451) is available from
your authorized service dealer.