Printek Emulation
Note that either a Carriage Return (CR) or a Line Feed (LF) will cause both functions to be performed.
However, a Carriage Return and Line Feed “pair” (CRLF) will only perform a single line feed.
Control code: LF
Hexadecimal: 0A
Variable Size Line Feed ESC J n Causes paper to be moved forward n x 0.125mm. 0 ≤ n ≤ 255.
A Carriage Return is also performed which places the current print position at the beginning of the next line.
Example: The following escape sequence performs a line feed of five millimeters ( 5 ÷ 0.125 ).
Escape Sequence: ESC J 40
Hexadecimal: 1B 4A 28
Variable Size Reverse Line Feed ESC Q J n Causes paper to be moved in the reverse direction n x 0.125mm. 0 ≤ n ≤ 255.
A Carriage Return is also performed.
Note that reverse paper motion is not supported in MtP400 SL models and this command is ignored.
Example: The following escape sequence moves paper in the reverse direction two millimeters (2 ÷ 0.125).
Escape Sequence: ESC Q J 16
Hexadecimal: 1B 51 4A 10
Vertical Tab VT Advances the paper five lines. If a partial line exists in the buffer, that line will be printed including a Carriage
Return and Line Feed, and then the paper advanced five lines.
A Carriage Return is also performed which places the current print position at the beginning of the next line.
Control code: VT
Hexadecimal: 0B
Form Feed FF If a partial line exists in the buffer, that line will be printed including a Carriage Return and Line Feed, and then
the paper will be advanced as described below.
For printers that use rolls of print media, (not “SL” models), the paper will be advanced by the “FFeed
Distance” set for the current Format (refer to the Operator’s Manual for more information).
For printers that use cassette media (MtP400 SL), the current sheet of paper will be ejected.
A Carriage Return is also performed which places the current print position at the beginning of the next line.
Control code: FF
Hexadecimal: 0C