Printek Emulation
Character Attributes
Select Emphasized Mode ESC U n
Selects emphasized printing mode. Emphasized mode may be used to highlight text by giving it a more bold
n Selection
0 Emphasized Mode Off
1 Emphasized Mode On
This command must be sent prior to any printable characters on the line. If sent after printable characters are
received, a Carriage Return and Line Feed will be inserted and a new line started before the command takes
Example: The following escape sequence will set emphasized printing mode to On.
Escape Sequence: ESC U 1
Hexadecimal: 1B 55 31
Character Sets Select Extended Character Set ESC F n
Selects the character set to be used when printing extended characters (hexadecimal 80-FF).
n Character Set
1 International Character Set
2 PC Line Drawing Character Set
When using the PC Line Drawing Character Set, the Text Line Spacing should be set to zero. Doing so will
allow the vertical line characters to form continuous lines.
This command must be sent prior to any printable characters on the line. If sent after printable characters are
received, a Carriage Return and Line Feed will be inserted and a new line started before the command takes
Please refer to “Print & Font Samples” on page 43 for information on the specific characters contained in each
character set.
Example: The following escape sequence will select the International character set.
Escape Sequence: ESC F 1
Hexadecimal: 1B 46 31