Printek Emulation
Code 128 Specifications Description: Each symbol starts with Leading Quiet Zone, followed with Start Symbol, Data
Symbols, ending with Stop Symbol and Trailing Quiet Zone.
Character set: 256 ASCII via three Code Sets and an “Extend” function.
Elements per symbol: 6 (3 bars, 3 spaces)
Character density: 9.1 CPI
Bar width: 0.25mm
The first character position in the data portion of the escape sequence must contain a “Start Character”, as
defined below. This Start Character defines the Code Set to be used to interpret the following data characters.
Each Code Set has special character values defined that allow switching to a different Code Set(s) within the
bar code.
Start Character Code Set Characters Sent To Printer Characters Read By Scanner
20 – 5F 20 – 5F
87 A 60 – 7F 00 – 32
88 B 20 – 7F 20 – 7F
89 C Pairs of 30 – 39 Numeric Character Pairs
30, 30 – 39, 39 (00-99 Dec.)
All character values shown in Hexadecimal.
Special data characters are available for each Code Set that allow switching to a different Code Set and other
special functions. These characters have values of 80-86 Hexadecimal and their functions in each Code Set are
defined below.
Character Value
Code Set A Code Set B Code Set C
80 FNC3 FNC3 -
81 FNC2 FNC2 -
82 Shift Shift -
83 Switch to Code Set C Switch to Code Set C -
84 Switch to Code Set B FNC4 Switch to Code Set B
85 FNC4 Switch to Code Set A Switch to Code Set A
FNC 1: Reserved for EAN use.
FNC 2: Concatenate the data in this bar code with the data in the next bar code read. Not
supported by all bar code readers.
FNC 3: Reset the bar code reader. Any other data in this bar code will be discarded.
FNC 4: Extended characters. The bar code reader will add 128 (80 Hex.) to each character.
Example 1: The following escape sequence will print a bar code containing “ABC123” that is 10mm high and
is followed with human readable text.
Escape Sequence: ESC Z 2 7 80 Start B A B C 1 2 3
Hexadecimal: 1B 5A 32 07 50 88 41 42 43 31 32 33