Printek Emulation
Control Codes and Escape Sequences Grouped by Function
This section describes various methods of controlling the flow of data to and from the printer. Unlike other
sections describing printer commands, the descriptions in this section indicate whether the command is one that
is “received” by the printer, or “transmitted” by the printer.
Note that some handshaking methods are only supported by the RS-232C Serial interface and are not supported
for the IrDA, Bluetooth, or Wi-Fi interfaces.
End of Text (Received by Printer) ETX
If “ETX/ACK” is set to “On” in the Serial Interface Menu (refer to the Operator’s Manual), then processing of
an ETX from the printer’s input buffer causes the printer to transmit an ACK to the host computer.
Since the ETX may be a legal value within an escape sequence, it is the user's responsibility to ensure that an
ETX used for data handshake is not sent within an escape sequence. The user must also ensure that the
maximum block size or the number of blocks sent at one time does not exceed the input buffer size of the
The input buffer size is 32K (32,768 Bytes) unless Minimum Buffer has been selected in the printer’s Options
Menu. Please refer to the Operator’s Manual for more information.
Control code: ETX
Hexadecimal: 03
Acknowledge (Transmitted by Printer) ACK
Please refer to the “End of Text” description above.
Control Code: ACK
Hexadecimal: 06
End of Transmission (Transmitted by Printer) EOT
The printer sends an EOT character each time the printer’s input buffer becomes empty to indicate the printer is
Control Code: EOT
Hexadecimal: 04
Transmitter On (Transmitted by Printer, Serial Only) XON (DC1)
When enabled for the Serial Interface (refer to the Operator’s Manual), this character is transmitted by the
printer to indicate that the printer is on line and ready to receive data. See DC3/XOFF for more information.
Control Code: XON
Hexadecimal 11