5. HeldtheSeatFrame(6)atanangle,andinsertthetab | 5 | |
on theSeatFrameintotheindicatedslotintheSeat | ||
6 |
Carriage(4).AttachtheSeatFrametotheSeat CarriagewithtwoM10x 66ramButtonBolts(47)and twoM10SplitWashers(43).
6.AttachtheBackrest(9)totheSeatCarriage(4)with twoM6x 16mmScrews(37),anM6x 53mmScrew
7. TheConsole(12)requiresthree"AA"batteries(not 7 included);alkalinebatteriesarerecommendedInsert.
threebatteriesintotheConsoleasshownMake. sure
that the batteries are oriented as shown by the dia- gram inside the Console.
8.Hold the Console (12) near the Upright (11). Insert the console cable and the console wire into the indi- cated hole and down through the Upright. Attach the ground wire to the Upright with an M4 x 16mm Screw (40).
Insert the excess wire and cable into the Upright (11), Attach the Console (12) to the Upright with four M4 x 16mm Screws (40). Make sure that the wires and the cable are not pinched.
Ground Wire 40 _
Hele_w_._, | \ Console Wire |
11,,_/q | Console Cable |
,/// | 40 |