Quantum 3.5.1 manual Setting Up Restrictive ACLs, Default Single-Path I/O Retry Behavior

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Setting Up Restrictive ACLs

Navigating to the Authentication tab of the Client Configuration Windows utility gives the administrator the ability to disable the NIS/PCNFSD mapping on a client-by-client basis by selecting Use Active Directory.

The domain server must be at least Windows 2003 or above to support RFC 2307 mapping.

Setting Up Restrictive ACLs

When setting up restrictive ACLs on a SNFS file system, it is important to understand how SNFS system services are run, especially the account under which the services are run. The Windows default account is the local administrator account, but this can be changed on the Properties tab of each system service.

When sharing restricted file systems, the account under which SNFS system services are run must be included in the ACL for the root of the file system and all other shares associated with the SNFS file system. Doing this allows the shares to be re-shared upon reboot.

Default Single-Path I/O Retry Behavior

The I/O retry behavior has changed as of StorNext 3.1.2. In prior releases, when only a single path to the storage existed and an I/O error was returned by the disk device driver, StorNext failed the I/O operation. Beginning with version 3.1.2, by default StorNext continuously retries I/ O operations until they succeed, regardless of the number of I/O paths. If desired, you can override this new behavior by using the new I/O Retry Time feature. For additional information about I/O Retry Time, consult the mount_cvfs man page or the Windows help file.

StorNext User’s Guide


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Quantum 3.5.1 manual Setting Up Restrictive ACLs, Default Single-Path I/O Retry Behavior