• The unit may malf unction when the re is radio inter ference appea red
on the power line and sig nal line. The unit w ill revert to norma l op-
eration when the int erference sto ps.
• In an environme nt with radio freq uency interfer ence, the produc t
may malfunction an d require user to re set the product .
• Handle this device carefu lly.
• Store this device away from dust y or dirty areas.
• Keep this device away from moistu re or extreme temperature.
• Do not disassemble this d evice. If a problem occurs, p ress the Power
button off and on, or remove and rep lace the batteries to reset th e
device, or try new batteries. If p roblems persist, con sult the warranty
information located at the end of thi s instruction manual.
• Use only the recommende d battery type.
• Do not mix old and new batteri es.
• Do not mix alkaline, stand ard (carbon-zinc) or re chargeable (nickel- cad-
mium) batteries.
• Do not use rechargeabl e batteries.
• Do not attempt to recharge n on-rechargeable bat teries.
• Remove any exhausted batter ies from the device.
• Do not short-circuit th e supply terminals.
• Insert batteries w ith the correct polarit y.
Please retain this f or future refere nce.
This product complies with Par t 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is su bject
to the following two conditions: (1) th is device may not cause harmful i nter-
ference and (2) this device m ust accept any interfere nce received, including
interference that may cause un desired operation.
WARNING: Changes or mo difications to this unit not expre ssly approved
by the party responsible fo r compliance could void the us er’s authority to
operate the equipment.
NOTE: This equipment ha s been tested and found to comply w ith the
limits for a Class B digital device, p ursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules.
These limits are designed to pr ovide reasonable protecti on against harmful
interference in a residenti al installation. This equ ipment generates, use s
and can radiate radio frequenc y energy and if not installe d and used in
accordance with the instruc tions, may cause harmful inte rference to radio
communications. However, there is no gua rantee that interferenc e will
not occur in a particular inst allation. If this equipmen t does cause harmful
interference to radio or televis ion reception, which can be d etermined by
turning the equipment off and o n, the user is encouraged to t ry to correct
the interference by one or more of th e following measures:
• Reorient or relocate th e receiving antenna.
• Increase the separati on between the equipment a nd receiver.
• Connect the equipment into an ou tlet on a circuit different f rom that to
which the receiver is connecte d.
• Consult the dealer or an ex perienced radio TV tec hnician for help.
(This product war ranty is valid in t he United States a nd Canada only)
Radica Games Limited warran ts this product for a period of 9 0 days from
the original purchase date und er normal use against defe ctive workmanship
and materials (batterie s excluded). This warra nty does not cover damage
resulting from accident, unr easonable use, neglige nce, improper servic e or
other causes not arising out of de fects in material or workma nship. Radica
Games Limited will not be liable fo r any costs incurred due to los s of use of
this product or other incident al or consequential cos ts, expenses or dam-
ages incurred by the purchase r. Some states do not allow the exclusion o r
limitation of incidental or con sequential damages, s o the above limitations
may not apply to you. This warranty gi ves you specific legal right s and you
may also have other legal rights, whi ch vary from state to state.
During this 90-day warran ty period, the game will eit her be repaired or
replaced (at our option) w ithout charge to the purchas er when returned
prepaid with proof of date of purcha se to: Radica USA, Ltd., 13628-A Beta
Road, Dallas, Texas 75244, USA. Please remove the bat teries and wrap
the unit carefully before shipp ing. Please include a brief de scription of the
problem along with your return ad dress and mail it postage p repaid.
IMPORTANT: Before returning the unit f or repair, test it with fresh alkali ne
batteries. Even new batteries m ay be defective or weak and low batte ry
power is a frequent cause of unsati sfactory operation.
Distributed by:
13628-A Beta Road
Dallas, TX 75244-4510
Game Software © SEGA CORPORATION, 1988 - 1992
All rights reserved.
“SEGA and Sega Logo are registered trade mark of Sega Corporation”
Manufactured and distributed by Radica under license by SEGATOYS
You must spin, bounce and bump through th e Pinball Machines to snatch
all the Chaos Emeralds on each of fo ur levels. When you’ve collected al l the
Emeralds, the Veg-O-For tress will explode!

Spinball Flipper Tips

• Launch Sonic by tilting bot h flippers together with But ton C.
• Watch for lights and arrows lead ing toward important spots i n the back-
• Catch Sonic on the flippers by h olding them up just as Sonic move s into
the Alley Ramp.
• To shoot Sonic straight up, fire when he i s near the hinge of a flipper. To
launch him at an angle, let him roll towar d the tip, then fire.
You will propel Sonic with steam valves inste ad of flippers in some places .
If Sonic falls into the drain, it could b e the end unless you take quick


Gain points by slamming into bumpe rs, shooting the tube loops a nd spin-
ning into floating robots to de-rob otized them back to their origin al forms.
Destroy as much as possible of Ro botnik’s machine to make sure you get
the highest score you can!

Loop Shots

Spin through the loops over and over aga in to get Loop Bonuses. Liste n for
the short musical riff th at lets you know you scored!


Grab every ring in sight for big Ri ng Bonus points!


Complete a level with a single ball at bre akneck speed and you’ll be re -
warded with a monster Time Bonus – up to 10 mill ion points!

Rising Jackpot

Each time you win a Bonus Round, your fina l jackpot increases. So ke ep on
racking up those points!
The Legend
Released in 1993, Dr. Robotnik’s Mean Bean Ma chine is a complex puzzle
game that still exists today.
Match the color of the beans to form grou ps of four and make them
disappear. Link larger groups an d combinations for bonus po ints. The
game ends when the screen is ful l of beans.

Basic Controls:

Directional Pad (D-Pad )
• Left, Right, Down – use to move the be ans left, right, or pres s down to
move faster.

Button A, B, C

• Use to rotate buttons as they fall .


To locate your auxiliary channel, whic h is usually not 3 or 4, but a gaming
channel found between 2 and 99 ( example 2, 1, 0, 99), first try 0 0 to see if
it is the auxiliary channel. C hannels downwards from 3 until a L ine 1 or Line
2, Video 1 or Video 2, Front, Aux, AV, etc., appears on scre en, then push
the power button on the game and it sho uld automatically come on if yo u
have selected the correct chan nel. If this does not work, anoth er way to
determine your auxiliary ch annel is to take a look at your televisi on remote.
There may be a button on the remote that m ay take you directly to the cor-
rect channel. The buttons you a re looking for may be labeled I nput, AUX,
AV, Line, TV/Video, or Video. If your rem ote has one of these buttons, tur n
your television back to Channel 3 and s elect that button. The power b utton
on the game should be turned on in or der for the game to appear on the
television. If your television remo te does not have any of these buttons, a nd
channel 00 is not working, you may ne ed to search the main menu for a way
to determine your auxiliary cha nnel. If none of these methods h ave helped
you locate your auxiliary chan nel, you may need to check your owner ’s
manual and/or contact a lo cal television repair com pany.


When connecting to a VCR, you must fir st start with a blue backgro und
showing on your television scree n. To obtain a blue screen, try inse rting
a videotape into the VCR, let it star t to play, then hit the stop button. This
may give you a blue screen, then you can ch annel down to your auxiliary
channel. If the blue screen stil l does not appear, try entering yo ur TV and/or
VCR main menu and see if it gives you optio ns to select a blue screen
background. Many times if you enter the m ain menu on your television
you can change the setting from c able to video and display a blue s creen.
Also if you have an older television, you m ay locate a hidden door on your
television that has color, picture, ho rizontal, vertical, and ca ble, antennae
buttons. If your television inclu des this panel, you can selec t the antennae/
cable button and see the blue sc reen appears. If you have trie d all of these
options and are still unsucces sful connecting the cons ole, then you may
need to check your VCR owner’s manual or con tact the manufacturer to find
out how to set up your VCR for console games .
Remember, you can’t play our games thro ugh a cable box or satellite, so
if you own one of these make sure it is turne d off before connecting the
game. You can connect our games throu gh DVD players with the same con-
nection as a VCR.
If you still have difficulty with setup o r operation of your game, plea se call
our players helpline mentione d at the end of this manual.
• As with all small b atteries, the b atteries used w ith this device sh ould
be kept away from small ch ildren who might s till put things in t heir
mouths. If a batter y is swallowed, con sult a physician im mediately.
• Be sure you inser t the battery c orrectly and al ways follow the devic e
and battery manu facturer’s ins tructions.
• Do not dispose of ba tteries in fire.
• Batteries mi ght leak if imprope rly installed , or explode if rech arged,
disassembled or he ated.
• Sometimes, a bu ild-up of static e lectricity ( from carpets, e tc) may
cause the game to stop wo rking. Just rese t the game, and it will
work again.