stallation. This equipmen t generates, uses and ca n
radiate radio frequency ene rgy and if not installed
and used in accordance with th e instructions, may
cause harmful interfere nce to radio communica-
tions. However, there is no guarantee tha t interfer-
ence will not occur in a particu lar installation. If
this equipment does cause ha rmful interference
to radio or television reception , which can be de-
termined by turning the equipme nt off and on, the
user is encouraged to try to cor rect the interferenc e
by one or more of the following measur es:
• R eorient or relocate the re ceiving antenna.
• I ncrease the separatio n between the equip-
ment and receiver.
• C onnect the equipment in to an outlet on a
circuit different from tha t to which the receiver
is connected.
• C onsult the dealer or an expe rienced radio TV
technician for help.
The consumer has a significa nt role to play in
reducing the impact of waste elec trical and elec-
tronic equipment on the enviro nment, through
re-using or recycling such e quipment.
The crossed out wheelie- bin symbol on this
product is to remind you that Waste Ele ctrical and
Electronic products shou ld not be disposed of
with household waste. If you are una ble to re-use
or recycle your product it shoul d be disposed of
at a civic amenity site.
While Radica toys comply with all re levant safety
standards, we are obliged to tell yo u that some of
the components used in elect rical and electronic
equipment may contain haza rdous substances
that can damage the environmen t and present a
risk to human health if not prope rly disposed of.
(This product war ranty is valid in t he United
States and Canada on ly)
Radica Games Limited warra nts this product for a
period of 90 days from the origin al purchase date un-
der normal use against defec tive workmanship and
materials (batteries excl uded). This warra nty does
not cover damage resulting from a ccident, unrea-
sonable use, negligence, im proper service or othe r
causes not arising out of defec ts in material or work-
manship. Radica Games Limite d will not be liable for
any costs incurred due to loss of us e of this product
or other incidental or conse quential costs, expens es
or damages incurred by the pur chaser. Some states
do not allow the exclusion or limitati on of incidental
or consequential damage s, so the above limitations
may not apply to you. This warranty g ives you spe-
cific legal rights and you may also h ave other legal
rights, which vary from state to s tate.
During this 90-day warra nty period, the game
will either be repaired or rep laced (at our option)
without charge to the purchase r when returned
prepaid with proof of date of purcha se to: Radica
USA, Ltd., 13628-A B eta Road, Dallas, Texas
75244, USA. Please rem ove the batteries and
wrap the unit carefully before s hipping. Please in-
clude a brief description of the p roblem along with
your return address and mail it p ostage prepaid.
Before returning the unit for rep air,
test it with fresh alkaline bat teries. Even new batter-
ies may be defective or weak and low bat tery power
is a frequent cause of unsatisf actory operation.
to return to the prior question. I wil l try to guess
what you are thinking before I have aske d twenty
questions. However, if I ask you a total of twent y
questions, I will stop and try to gu ess what you’re
thinking. If I guess correct ly, press the YES button.
If for some strange reason I gue ss incorrectly, I will
ask you ���ve more questions, then gu ess again.
When I guess what you are thinkin g, I win! If all
my guesses are wrong, you win. But d on’t worry,
that will never happen.
Good luck! You’re going to need it!
This game is powered by two (2) A AA (LR03 )
• U sing a screwdriver, loosen the scr ew until the
battery compartmen t door can be removed.
• I nsert two (2) A AA (LR03) bat teries (we recom-
mend alkaline) as indicate d inside the battery
• R eplace the battery co mpartment door and
tighten the screw with a screwdriver. Do not
• A s with all small ba tteries, the ba tteries
used with this devic e should be kept away
from small childr en who might still p ut
things in their mout hs. If a batter y is swal-
lowed, consult a physi cian immediat ely.
• B e sure you insert t he battery co rrectly and
always follow the devic e and battery m anu-
facturer’s instr uctions.
• D o not dispose of bat teries in fire.
Batteries might l eak if improperl y installed, or
explode if recharg ed, disassemb led or heated.
• S ometimes, a buil d-up of static el ectricity
(from carpets, et c) may cause the g ame to
stop working. Just re set the game, and it
will work again.
• I n an environment w ith radio frequ ency
interference, t he product may mal function
and require user to r eset the product .
• H andle this device careful ly.
Store this device away from dusty or di rty areas.
• Ke ep this device away from moistur e or ex-
treme temperature.
• D o not disassemble this dev ice. If a problem
occurs, press the Reset but ton, or remove and
replace the batteries to rese t the device, or try
new batteries. If problems p ersist, consult the
warranty information loc ated at the end of this
instruction manual.
• U se only the recommended b attery type.
• D o not mix old and new batterie s.
• D o not mix alkaline, standa rd (carbon-zinc) or
rechargeable (nickel- cadmium) batterie s.
• D o not use rechargeable b atteries.
• D o not attempt to recharge no n-rechargeable
Remove any exhausted batteries f rom the device.
• D o not short-circuit the s upply terminals.
• I nsert batteries wit h the correct polarit y.
Please retain this f or future refere nce.
This device complies with Par t 15 of the FCC
Rules. Operation is subjec t to the following two
conditions: (1) this device may no t cause harmful
interference and (2) t his device must accept any
interference received, in cluding interferenc e that
may cause undesired operat ion.
WARNING: Changes or mo difications to this unit
not expressly approved by the par ty responsible
for compliance could void the use r’s authority to
operate the equipment.
NOTE: This equipment ha s been tested and found
to comply with the limits for a Class B di gital de-
vice, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules . These
limits are designed to provide re asonable protec-
tion against harmful inter ference in a residentia l in-
Distributed by:
13628-A Beta Road
Dallas, TX 75244-4510
Play on-line at Marketed under
license from, Inc. All rights reserved.